Amoriguard: The Eco-Innovation Award Gold Winner 2019 The awards recognise South African communities or government…
paultoozeJuly 1, 2019
The Eco-Logic Awards presented by The Enviropaedia will be held at the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town on World Environment Day, 5 June.
Local construction materials firm Amoriguard sustainably consumes recycled industrial waste to produce construction products and…
paultoozeJune 1, 2019

Industrial waste still contains value once it has been discarded. A local paint manufacturer, Amoriguard,…
paultoozeMay 28, 2019
”“We recognise the need to get rid of industrial waste and continue to develop new products to reuse these wastes, including paints and products for decorative concrete surfaces.”
Professor Mulalo DoyoyoAmoriguard founder